Aug 14, 2011

Celebrities at Otakon!!

As it turns out I am terrible at reporting things in the order that they occurred. I'm only good at talking about things that excited me as I remember them :s

Oh well!! My blog, my way I suppose!

There were several celebrities that attended Otakon this year!

There was CHEMISTRY, Japanese R&B duo:

I had never heard of them before I registered for Otakon.
They performed Friday evening and the concert hall was PACKED. I got there late because I was coming from a panel and I almost couldn't get a seat :s They're very good performers and know how to get a crowd excited!! It's not my type of music but I really enjoyed the concert :D

There's also Nobuo Uematsu  *bows*
He is best known for his musical compositions for Final Fantasy! Apparently he made a special appearance but I missed him....drat=/

Then there is the amazing Makoto Shinkai

He's known for producing, animating, directing and voice acting his own movies!! And from what my friends were saying they're all pretty good. One of my friends that came with us waited TWO HOURS in line to get his autograph and when she finally met him, she cried. It was so cute><!!  I say cute becuase I've never seen her cry before; even to this day! (I wasn't there when she cried in front of him)

Then there was....KYLEE

She's half-japanese, born and raised in Arizona and a J-rock singer in Japan. She's an honor roll student and she's only 17!!
I was particularly excited to see her. I first heard her music through the anime Xam'd and was impressed by how strong her vocals were even she was only about 15 (?)  at the time. Her singles are usually very hopeful, bright and positive and I like her colorful style. I went to her Q&A panel and she's also very  mature for her age^^

Though the first time I came face to face with Kylee at Otakon it was at one of her autograph sessions. There weren't many people so we got to the front pretty quickly. I didn't have anything for her to sign so I bought a T-shirt. (It was a t-shirt that promoted her single It's You/Missing. ) But as soon as I got to the front of the line all I could do was say "Hi" at that moment my favorite song by her It's You starting playing. I shouted stupidly "Omigosh this is my favorite song!" rattling the T-shirt I had just bought in my hands. Kylee smiled at me at which point I started bawling ;A; She asked me what my name was so that she could sign my T-shirt but I was unresponsive at the moment so Ari had to answer for me. It was too surreal. She's so pretty in person!!!

*sigh* Sadly I could get a good picture of her during the autograph session. Actually Ari took this picture. I was one line, only a few steps away from meeting KYLEE :D

This was Saturday I believe. I saw her concert Sunday as well. It was so AWESOME!!!
We were allowed to take photos without if I would take the time to take photos while I was enjoying KYLEE's concert pfft!!!

Well I tried to take one.

She was absolutely radiant on stage. Though the concert hall didn't fill out like it did for Chemistry's concert by the end there was definitely a substantial increase in her fan base at Otakon :)

At the beginning of the concert there weren't many people at Kylee's merchandise table so I figured I'd just buy her new CD after the concert. BOY WAS I WRONG

The line wrapped around the hall!!

Good thing I had gotten my shirt signed the day before^____^

The front of my pick, black and white It's You/Missing t-shirt (my favorite single!)

Ufufufu She signed my name.....but I covered itXD!!

The also stuck this in your bag
 It's a dual advertisement for both Kylees newest single Never Give Up (which I ordered) and the sports line adidas which Kylee also models for.

She signs "with ♥ Kylee"^^

And if that wasn't enough for a fan I ran into Kylee AGAIN. In the hotel lobby of course^^

I was in the middle of showing my friends the pictures I took of the  lolita fashion designers when her the staff just waltzed in the lobby doors. I don't really remember if the people greeting her were fans or more staff but I ran over and thanked her for coming to Otakon anyways. I remember her giving my a hug but I don't remember how ;A; 

Then someone mentioned a picture and in a rash decision I followed the large group outside. Some how I ended up in a picture with Kylee O.o Now that I think about it it looked like a staff picture so maybe I shouldn't have been in it....But I gave my camera to them and they took it the picture with ME in it after I asked so maybe it was alright...I don't know..they can crop me out of it^^

I'm the only one with my Otakon badge on O.o Oh well....
What's done is done I suppose^^ And I do count this as today's miracle! A picture with Kylee :) Whether I was supposed to be in it or not! 

*sigh* There are a few more things I want to report on but this is it for now^^

1 comment:

Xhirachu said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I want to go to a con with Broface or Brosis or any bro. XD