Jan 26, 2012

Healthy is so overrated



Lol, Japanese derp
Recently I;ve been into Kamoji; that is, Japanese emoitcons.

They're fun(。☉ω ⊙。)

LOL. Anyways. Today started okay. I slept over at my friend Tom's house. I woke up late so there wasn't time for breakfast. But...He gave me Nutella on toast <333 

Happiness on bread

Speaking of Tom..he and I seem to have the same affinity for food.

We LOVE eating. 

Look at this cake he bought last weekend JUST BECUASE.

It was delicious!!! More delicious than a cake from the supermarket should have been!

So since I hadn't had a decent breakfast (minus the Cheese bagel and Tall Chai tea latte from Starbucks I had during a 15 minutes break that morning) I treated myself to lunch thinking that I'd have enough time before my last class to eat it.

But who knew a BLT with muenster cheese would take so long to make. 

So I ate the banana I bought on the way to class. Let's just clarify one thing.

I HATE bananas.

But I've been a bit dehydrated recently/ malnourished/ not taking care of myself so I had one anyways.

It was awful!
I felt so sick I thought I would pass out. So as soon as I got home I had my BLT  and felt loads better. The moral of the story is

and kaomoji is the best!!


Tell Your World

I never did talk about my week with Ari before school started....

I'll talk about it now!!

That entire week I partook in a dance improvisational workshop. I won't talk much about that because it's hard to explain contact improv without being completely weirded out by it....

I have class from 1-3  ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノイッテキマ-ス!!

....during which Ari chilled at my apartment (she was usually asleep anyways(−.−)Zzz・・・)

During my one hour break I'd have lunch with Ari!

Thursday we went to Five Guys!!v( ̄∇ ̄)ニヤッ

So superior to any other fast food restaurant

They hand prepare their fries and burgers! You can see them make the patties and cut the fries right in front of you!

Although it is a bit on the expensive side....

And they have a message board which was pretty cool because there were messages from people all over the world!

After lunch my sister sat in on my rehearsal which went from4-7...She said she was entertained lol

Friday my brother arrived which was......okay. I only found out that he would be crashing here the night before so there wasn't really anywhere for him to sleep :s

Well my siblings figured it out I guess..

Saturday Ari and I went to dance studio to learn the entirety of Fine and Tsuretei's Tell Your World!!

We practiced for about three hours straight O.o

woo! Rehearsal sweat pants!!


And the day after (Sunday) was recording time!!

We were a bit pressed for time because that afternoon my brother and sister had to catch the bus home in NY. It got a bit stressful. ;´Д`);´Д`);´Д`);´Д`)

But we did it!!

And the end result!!


Yay!! It's got about 7,500 views on YT and some 5,000 on nicoov(≧∀≦)v うれし〜

And that was what happened the week before school startedOωOb

Ciao ♥

Jan 24, 2012


Lol, I could think of a title...


These are my feet.....I'm in a studio after class

So the highlight of my weekend was indeed SNOWBALL!!!

If you didn't read my last post SNOWBALL was a fundraiser for my teacher Brian Sander's dance company JUNK.

It originally costed at least 35 dollars to get in but we got comp tickets for helping out with preparation :3

I was amazing and hysterical!!


It was indeed a party seen but there were performances throughout the night :)

As you may notice there aren't many young-ins in the crowd.

Well, college students can't afford 35 dollar fundraisers on a regular. My cut-off is 15 bucks =/

But many students from school volunteered.

The theme was white and everyone got a complimentary drink :)

I don't drink though...it tastes awful to me....


Festive ceiling :)

Brian Sanders (my teacher) 

JUNK preparing to perform
Those are actually two men strapped to eachother...yeahOωOb

An here is them performing 


And acrobatic performance by JUNK

A very very short clip of a JUNK dancer spinning above the crowd

College volunteers at the event 

The winners of the costume contest (They dressed up as performers from JUNK's Patio Plastico) 

Awesome car parked in front of the building

It was great(´▽`)

There were elderly people dancing to rave music EVERYWHERE!


But it wasn't funny when someone had a heart attack ;A;

I hope he's okay....

Other great dance companies like Koresh and MOMIX performed as well :)  SO great!!!

That was the highlight of my weekend!!

How was yours :3

Leave a comment in the box below

Ciao ♥

Jan 21, 2012


It snowed last night!

And was slushy by morning (´ω`。)グスン ....

I am soooo excited about tonight!


because I'm goign to SNOWBALLヽ(▽ `)ノワーイ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノワーイ♪ヽ( ´▽)ノ

It's a fundraiser held by on of my teachers for his dance company. I think it's supposed to be some sort of party...but performances with be going on the entire night by amazing dance companies!!!

Friday, instead of having a full composition class he asked us to help him roll marley out onto the floor at the venue for the dance performances.

Ummm, marley is a heavy rubber that is used a flooring for dance studios.It's very durable against just about any kind of dance shoe.

Since it's  a fundraiser it's supposed to be $35 dollars to get in...but our dance comp class get's in for free baby!!!

Thank you!!!(ノД`)・゜・。

But I'm also pretty excited about...

The artwork!!

The front....
And the back!!! Her dress is made of paper plates...

They're so beautiful!!  ♥_____♥

They were sculpted mostly with shredded paper!!

And these beautiful works were sculpted by Gunner Clark... Genius!!

He was a dance major...(also a dance for my teacher's company and graduate of my school ^___^) 


Take that fine arts department!! 

I am pumped!!

There's going to be performances by great companies starting at 8:30 until 11 at night><!!

I need something white to wear... (it was suggested)

Not much time before it starts!

I've got to get ready to go...psychology homework will have to wait!OωO

Ciao ♥

Jan 19, 2012

軽食 Tuesday Night!!

Keishoku ↑ mean's snack in Japanese

I can't stop eating them!!

Recently I've  been especially obsessed with sweet potato chips!




I'm addicted....

But I MUST stop snacking so much!! 


Moving on!!

I did say that I would talk about the week before! So...

I returned to my apartment early Monday morning so that I could make it to the dance workshop I participated in.
Tuesday  was pretty uneventful....
Wednesday night Ari came over!!!
She slept on my couch :)


That night my friend Tom invited us to visit my friend Andre's house with him. Andre has a white pit bull named Levi!! He has one brown eye and one blue eye. SO cute!!!


We stayed up until three playing Brawl...

We Ari, Tom and Andre played.. I took a nap...

We somehow ended the night watching our dance covers.....


I like doing dance covers but I get embarrassed whenever I show them to someone new><!!

You know? 

Mmmm brownies are done :3

Ciao <3

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

Jan 17, 2012


The tile ↑ says  Bu~n^^

It's what I usually title our Nico Lives when I don't know what else to title it.

Lives which we stream on Nico...

Which you should totally join if you have an account!

Last week was so eventful!!
The last few weeks actually.

I had to return to my apartment at school last week; a week earlier than I have planned because I partook in a dance workshop.

But the week before I uploaded this!

Luka Luka Night Fever! I finally did it! ^____^

It's doing pretty well on Nico I think (some 3,000 views or so. Not bad for a foreigner I think) 

I tweeted it to Ikura and she responded!!! ヽ(▽ `)ノワーイ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノワーイ♪ヽ( ´▽)ノ

she said, すてき!(lovely) 

I'm not sure if she watched the whole thing or just glanced at it but she responded...

That's enough for me!!! y( ̄ー ̄)yピースピース

You know what...A lot happened over that week. I'll explain it day by day over the next few entries...

But in the mean time I just want to say

Thank you for the response so far on THIS video!!


This is Fine and Tsuretei's Tell Your World!! 

Ari visited me over that week before school started (which I will talk more about over the next few days)

and we covered it!!

We saw it Friday, learned it Saturday and recorded Sunday.

The FASTEST we've ever learned and recorded something!!

It's a little rough..But we did our best on it><! 

I tweeted it to Fine and Tsuretei...AND THEY BOTH TWEETED BACK!!!

v(≧∀≦)v うれし〜

Then yesterday I said good morning to Merochin via twitter.


~~~~~(/ ̄▽ ̄)/ ~ф""

I was just so overwhelmed. 

I don't think you understand.

I'm not just spazzing because Japanese Nico dancers responded to me (maybe partially) 

I'm spazzing because AWESOME choreographers responded to me><!!

There's a difference okay? 


I'm at a loss for words...

Yes, um do you see that comment section below? 

I have no way of knowing who reads this blog besides that box so if you do read this please leave a message saying so!! 

And if for whatever reason you can't comment please let me know via YT message or formspring so that I can fix it! 

Yes, school started today so I need to get back on a decent sleep schedule!

Ciao ♥

It doesn't hurt to dream, it hurts more to wake up-  unknown

Jan 3, 2012

Welcome to 2012

Happy New Year!! o(^▽^)o 

It's the year of the Dragon!

Looking back on 2011....

I think it was one of the best years I've ever had

  • I choreographed my first two pieces
  • Went to Otakon (my first con)
  • Met Kylee  and ran into lolita fashion designers o(≧∇≦o)(o≧∇≦)o 
  • My first good paying summer job
  • The best school semester I think I've had since I started college
  • I got to know my Bros via Twitter (yes I do count that as a notable occurrence)
This year wasn't all sunshine btw. I've experienced my own troubles and grown from them

But I prefer to look on the bright side of things!

As for New Years Resolutions go I usually disregard that part of the holiday and stick to the celebrating/ doing nothing productive/ eating part.

But I think I'll put a little bit more effort into that this year.

1. Stop eating junk food

I have a horrible sweet tooth ....

I want my legs to look like this again...

I guess I just want the same tone that I had last spring.

2. Regular pilates workout

This will put me in the right direction for my first goal. I actually do have a pilates workout. I just don't do it...

3. Be on time

I've been working on this since the day I was born but we'll see!! 

4. Become better at Japanese

I'm not entirely sure what "better" means to me just yet. Recently Ari and I have been doing Nico Nico lives. They're a lot of fun, but I want a stronger understanding of sentence structure and kanji. I don't know what the normal is for starting up a community but we've somehow managed to gather over 100 members to our community O,o. 

I'm excited!

If you have an account stop by and watch one of our lives sometime!

5. Part time job

This ↑ should be number one because I am always broke...ORZ

6. Become more consistent with videos

I would like to upload more videos than do now. We only uploaded two dance covers last semester =(

We did upload our first vlog which I'm happy about...but I want to do more. It's difficult to practice during school. Between always being achy from regular class, rehearsal for pieces I'm in and coming up with material for my own works by the end of the say I'm not always motivated to learn them.

There is such thing as too much dance.

But I do want to start putting in a bit more effort ^_____^

7. Create a blog that people actually want to read

Yup...working on it! 


Is anyone on tumblr??

Here's mine!

Add me <333
