Mar 24, 2012

Pogo (⊹^◡^)ノo.♡゚ To the Park!!!



I think I'll actually go to the park today!!

Have I ever told you how much I love Pogo?

He's a musician who remixes movies and turns them into mixes.

I love his work and I'm actually choreographing to one of his songs this semester^^

It's brilliant and I can't wait to show you what I've been working on all semester ヽ(→ܫ←ヽ)


I love all of his work, but I'll be jamming to these two on the way to the park today!

And this

My childhood ;w;

The Hunger Games came out on Friday!

I want to see it><

 So I'm buying the book today before I go see the movie. I heard it was really good!

Thank god for the weekend! I can actually breathe! (Although I still have a lot to do this weekend)


I tried a store bought nail deco set today!

I can't see to get a clear picture of either hand though...

I wish I could use my camera!!!


To the bookstore!!

Ciao ♥

Mar 23, 2012

A day at the park!

Good Morning!!

I didn't actually go to the park yesterday....

But the park did come to class!!

I walked into class this morning and there was a six-year old child under a blanket reading...

It tuned out to be the head of the modern department's daughter but I have NO clue what she was doing there, even now.

Ten minutes after class had supposedly started our teacher Brian was NOWHERE to be found.

Then we heard a banging on the back door.

When one of my classmates opened the door this puppy came RUNNING into the room!

It was Brian's dog. Her name is Dave. Yes, he named a girl dog Dave, because that is something Brian would most definitely do.

But she's well trained and sweet, and only seven months old and adorable!!!

It was also funny to see her run into people during the warm-up. Brian didn't even tie her down. (His sense of humor is just)

But he tied her down after warm-up and we just had a seven-month old puppy and a six-year old child witnessed our aerial class. I didn't get any good pictures because I was quite distracted.

It really did feel like a day in the park :)

How I WISH I could go to the park!!!!

Maybe this weekend if I have time....


And the little man in the corner is Brian :)

And the half naked young man is Conner.

He's and amazing dancer btw. Here he just finished practicing a solo for an upcoming show.

Ahh!! Late for class!

Ciao ♥

Mar 22, 2012

Recent Gets! (✿≍∀≍✿)゚ Stress Reliever

Good Morning!!

Today is a little less stressful than yesterday!

Yesterday I got a little overwhelmed by life and I needed to sprint right before rehearsal in order to calm down...

Nervous breakdown avoided!!

Woke up at 8 to finish the SAME PAPER that I finished before Spring break because my teacher wanted us to edit them.....

I'm still not done but I need a mental breather. And food. And sleep.


Recent gets!!

April Edition of Zipper Magazine
Buono!'s latest single
New Nail Polish and Top Coat
Nail Artist set

I'm actually really exited about the decora pieces.

Wednesday night when I couldn't sleep I got up early in the morning, put on different clothes than I normally would on the school day and went to the drug store. I saw the nail stuff and bought them.

On a normal day I wouldn't have because I'm always afraid to spend money away from home on things that I really shouldn't.

But I needed  a healthy change in my routine so I got up at a time I normally wouldn't have, wore things I normally wouldn't and bought something that probably shouldn't.

Something I recommend if you too are having a mental breakdown mid-way through the semester.
It's a lot better than doing something drastic under pressure, and it gives you the knowledge that you always have the freedom to do things a little differently sometimes.

I feel better^^

Today is aerial class again!

I didn't eat dinner last night so I need something with protein to keep me energized....

Did you know the fastest way to replenishing your protein levels is by drinking chocolate milk?

I learned this from my dynamic anatomy teacher last semester. I guess I'll grab one on the way to class.

And I'll be sure to take pictures in class today too!

Ciao ♥

Mar 21, 2012


Good Morning!!

I'm wearing regular clothes today :)

As opposed to sweats I mean..

I'm such an idiot.

I left the USB cord to my camera at home, so I don't have much to show for Reni's Maid Cafe :(

I'll ask Ari to bring it with her when my family comes to my school, for the dance composition show that I'm in.

Yup =/

I mean I do have a few pictures that I took on my phone...

I got into NY via bus at around 8:30, Friday night.

That is the New Yorker Hotel

This is mochi ice-cream with chocolate syrup that we had for desert at the cafe.


My aunt came to watch us and this was her first time having mochi. (It was the first time she experienced many things having to do with otaku culture) She said it was good but it was strange to eat. But that's how I felt when I tried mochi for the first time as well! 

This is a snap shot of downtown, while I was frantically looking for my bus Sunday afternoon.

The Buono! CD that I bought and listened to the entire two hours I was on the bus, Sunday, that I made it on time for  (THANKGOD)

The pink pants I'm wearing were actually part of my costume for the maid cafe. I have a full body shot of te outfit..on my camera....

Picture I took for the first day of Spring!!!!


This picture is two weeks old but I thought I'd throw it in there^^

I have rehearsal in a half hour!!

I have more to tell but that will have to wait until later when I can breathe and be human again woohoo!!!

Ciao ♥

Mar 16, 2012

Aerial Work ( 。´◕ω◕)

It's Friday already?

This week is going by so quickly!!

But that is OK with me :)




Recently we've been doing aerial work in class.

It's REALLY hard and it makes my wrists raw (´ω`。)

Those are some of my classmates. I love them all. 

My body is so sore...But it's also a lot of fun. (This is isn't my picture btw...I stole it from FB)

I'll take proper pictures next time^^





I can finally say that Spring has come!!




Woo! My dancer clothes.... I like wearing blue.




And I just got my hair re braided. I wore them to rehearsal on Wednesday and one of my friends said that they were cute  so I've been wearing them that way recently. ( ´∀`)

Reni's Maid show is this weekend!!!

It's supposed to be live streamed but I still don't know where...

I'll let you know!




すぐにクラスがあるので明日には続きを書く !!


I have class soon

Ciao ♥

Mar 9, 2012


Spring break is almost over!

I hadn't visited my aunt all week, so I visited her today! 

My Aunt Bunny is hilarious, I love her so much!! And I definitely wouldn't be in college if it weren't for her.

I got to her office at around 9:30 but she didn't get there until and hour later. And then she had a staff meeting from 11:00 till 2:00. I was so bored(´ω`。)

So I drew on post-it notes

Don't ask me what this is........

I learned in my psychology class that psychologists evaluate you based on behavior. During a standard evaluation, they will ask you to draw because it's behavior that can be recorded. Usually, it's something specific, like a house or a tree, but sometimes you can draw whatever. From your drawing they can piece together your personality, even parts of it that you we're aware of.

I wonder what this post-it reveals about my personality.......

Probably that I can't draw........

My aunt treated me to lunch today! I thought we were going to get sushi but we went to Applebees' instead.

Which was TOTALLY fine with me!

I call this OM-FUCKING-NOM

I was soooo full after I ate all of this. 

So full, I slept for two hours in my aunt's office afterwards.


Later that evening I took a salsa class for the first time!

Note to self: Levi boots are NOT made for dancing...Ow(ノД`)・゜・。

And the funny thing is I didn't even feel then rubbing against my ankles until I got in the shower..

I learned the basic step, side step, and the Cuban OωOb

Class took place in the cafeteria of a public school, but look:

This work was done my a local community, street artist named De La Vega. He's known for his chalk drawings on sidewalks and walls and he has/had (not sure) a little shop in Harlem. I remember seeing more of them when I was younger but I haven't seen any in years....

This one is from 2008

And tonight after three months I'm getting my hair re-braided!

I'm not sure if I'll add the blue again of if I'll try a different color..

I'll take pictures tomorrow!

Ciao ♥

KONY 2012 (♥。◑౪◑。♥) ニコ生

We did another live yesterday!

Thank you for watching if you did!

I wore my bowler hat

A picture I took with my webcam on fb

So, everyone needs to take a look at this. Seriously, please watch this if you haven't already!

Kony is a child trafficker and he NEEDS TO BE STOPPED.

This is the age of technology. Facebook is home to over 750 MILLION users.

Let's put these social networks to some good use!!  (●ゝω・●)☞------●~*

The most important thing is to spread the word. Get this man as famous as Lady Gaga!

If this becomes a political topic that everyone is talking about the US government will have to do something!!

I was skeptical but some people in the comments section said that Invisible Children representatives came to their schools and told them about Kony before this video was released.

The Kony Kits are currently unavailable because of the demand for them, but you can still pledge and  support the cause here.

The Kits are $30. My family isn't exactly made of money but if it really comes down to it, I'll suspend my Nico account to get it!

I'm serious!!


I've never needed a job more than I needed one now.....▄█▀█●ガーン

Haha, so adding these to my kaomoji page!!

I love kaomoji..... ( ´◒` )

Ciao ♥

Im obsessed!

Berryz is BACK!!!

I CANNOT stop listening to this!!

I expected a bit more from the PV other than face shots, dance shots and some slow-mo montage but....

I LOVE the dance!!

I LOVE the outfits!!!

I LOVE the song!!!!

And I can't wait to cover it!!!


Ciao ♥

Mar 7, 2012


Hello everyone!

Today's coordinate

I forgot to mention this yesterday><!!

Ari and I are going to be allowed to perform at Reni's Maid Show this month!!

ヽ(▽ `)ノワーイ♪ヽ(´▽`)ノワーイ♪ヽ( ´▽)ノ

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am><!!!!!

Reni's Maid Cafe is in  NY so I'm assuming that anyone we know won't be able to come, but it may be live streamed. I'll update on that as soon as I get the info on it!

We'll be dancing all of the songs we've done together thus far and maybe the one we were learning yesterday...

So that's about four or five songs.

So much to prepare for!!! ;´Д`);´Д`);´Д`);´Д`)

No live this Wednesday because Ari has schoolwork, and my friend Tom is coming into town for an audition!

Tomorrow and the day after are looking kind of busy...I REALLY hope we get to finish something this week!! Fingers crossed!

Ciao ♥

Mar 6, 2012



Yesterday's lives were so much fun! 

We did one session in the morning, and one at night.

The morning one was on and we did the "funny face  battle"

It was fun but it was also kind of a fail.

I'm still not very good at reading kanji.

Haha, but Ari fell asleep as soon as it was over!

In the eveing we did a live on which went a little better.

We pretty much did a live of us practicing this!!

Cuteness overload!

We'll be aiming to finish THIS ↑ by tomorrow.

We really appreciated everyone who watched out lives yesterday so thank you for that!

We'll probably do another one tomorrow.

Come if you can!!

On Sunday my best friends came over and Ari and I taught them the beginning to Happy Synthesizer and Tell You World which was loads of fun!

Somehow they were both wearing the same Panda mismatch sock.

haha, I think it's cute

I've also bought a calendar recently. It's the first time I've bought a calendar in years!!

It's a Hello Kitty calendar!!

I just added it to my cluttered wall of magazine clippings and posters.

I think I need more things on my wall.

Today I was planning on doing a cover but I think I'm visiting my aunt in a bit so probably not =/

Tomorrow I guess><!!

Usually I try to write posts in both English and Japanese but I just....

don't feel like it.

And I have to go. 

Ciao  ♥

Mar 5, 2012


I'm HOME!!!


I'm back in New York!!

ニューヨークに帰りました!ヽ(▽ `)ノ

Its been so long!!


I missed everyone!




I'm so looking forward to this week though!!
We're definitely covering something new (although we're not sure what just yet...)


I personally plan on eating a lot because I can really only get away with that when I'm home.

Plus it's Spring Break


春休みだから (笑)


We're doing a live tomorrow morning at about 10:00am EST. Drop by if you can!!





~~~~~(/ ̄▽ ̄)/ ~ф""

Ciao ♥