May 14, 2012



Yesterday was pretty good!

It was my first day working for my teacher. I guess you could say I'm a freelancer?

I pretty much just help her with whatever house work she has.

Yesterday I helped paint her little girls' room.

There names are Violet and Pearl (So cute!)

It's funny because the  color we used to paint the wall was called pearl-violet! Coincidence?

I think not!!

I got paint in my hair and on my clothes but I have to say. Painting is pretty soothing. ( ̄ー ̄)

After "work" I changed out of my paint clothes and into some summery ones!!

Yesterday's outfit

I've missed girly clothes so much!! chu♥(人´3`)⌒♡  

I haven't worn a dress in months!

Some of my friends were in the area so I hung out with them for a while (until 2am XD)

We spent the day window shopping and watched Disney and Studio Ghibli movies!! (Spirited Away ♥)

I had to be up by eight the next morning and felt (feel) SUPER tired but I don't regret staying out late.




It's called Vegitaryhthm and it's sung and danced by the AMAZING Kyary Kids!!

I don't do this dance justice. it's kind of sloppy and some moves are just flat out wrong, but I had so much fun doing it and I've been dying to cover something new for a LONG TIME.

No regrets!! ^____^

And hopefully I'll get to record it again with Ari!! 

Ari can be a little...

We'll see!

And yesterday I found THIS

I think it's pretty funny 

Just look at this idiot flailing around

I have more to say, but I have work to do!

Ciao ♥

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