May 16, 2012

Lucky day!!

Dobry den! 

That means good day in Italian !

I've found more emoticons from the same tumblog as before, haha.

So cute!! 

Today's  been a great day!! 

One: I found out that I'll be able to attend the Berryz' concert at animeNEXT afterall!! 

I was afraid I'd miss it because I have an audition to be at on the 10th, that Sunday.

When i found out I'll actually be seeing them live, I called Ari and cried. 

A lot. 

It's Friday the 8th at 7pm!

There's no reason I shouldn't be there! 


I can't wait!! 

Two: I had a two hour tinychat with Emily bro today!

It was awesome! I was nervous because I've never spoken with Emily "face to face" but she's so easy to talk to, I could just be myself! 

I'd love to talk to the rest of my bros one day 

But I ended up not doing anything I was supposed to today besides going for a walk so I guess I'll just be planning more for animeNEXT!!

Three:  I have work again tomorrow which is great because that's another 48-50 dollars or so to add to my animeNEXT fund!  


I have be at work early tomorrow (around 9) so I'd better get to planning and practicing so I can sleep!

Ciao ♥

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