Jan 26, 2012

Tell Your World

I never did talk about my week with Ari before school started....

I'll talk about it now!!

That entire week I partook in a dance improvisational workshop. I won't talk much about that because it's hard to explain contact improv without being completely weirded out by it....

I have class from 1-3  ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノイッテキマ-ス!!

....during which Ari chilled at my apartment (she was usually asleep anyways(−.−)Zzz・・・)

During my one hour break I'd have lunch with Ari!

Thursday we went to Five Guys!!v( ̄∇ ̄)ニヤッ

So superior to any other fast food restaurant

They hand prepare their fries and burgers! You can see them make the patties and cut the fries right in front of you!

Although it is a bit on the expensive side....

And they have a message board which was pretty cool because there were messages from people all over the world!

After lunch my sister sat in on my rehearsal which went from4-7...She said she was entertained lol

Friday my brother arrived which was......okay. I only found out that he would be crashing here the night before so there wasn't really anywhere for him to sleep :s

Well my siblings figured it out I guess..

Saturday Ari and I went to dance studio to learn the entirety of Fine and Tsuretei's Tell Your World!!

We practiced for about three hours straight O.o

woo! Rehearsal sweat pants!!


And the day after (Sunday) was recording time!!

We were a bit pressed for time because that afternoon my brother and sister had to catch the bus home in NY. It got a bit stressful. ;´Д`);´Д`);´Д`);´Д`)

But we did it!!

And the end result!!


Yay!! It's got about 7,500 views on YT and some 5,000 on nicoov(≧∀≦)v うれし〜

And that was what happened the week before school startedOωOb

Ciao ♥


Xhirachu said...

Wow it's already past 10,000 on YouTube and 6,000 on Nico! Congrats, Broski! :D

On a side note, at your school, do you know if there's ever time where regular students could utilize dance studios?

Kisweets said...

Thank you!!! Specifically at my school anyone who isn't in the dance department would have to rent those studios to use them. Dance students can rent them at any time but even that is sometimes run by seniority. Those studios were empty because school hadn't started yet and they left it open :)