Nov 4, 2014

Concert November!~Next up: BABYMETAL

Good Morning~

New pajamas~

I picked them up from Forever 21 yesterday,

BABYMETAL concert is today~!

I didn't sleep....

And I have a full day of work before the concert as well~....

Usually on days when I get no sleep I become monstrously hungry~!!!

Does this happen to anyone else?

I think that this is the month of concerts!!!

It's only the fourth of November and I've already seen American Ballet Theater aaaand


Definitely one of the best productions I've ever seen. The puppetry used to create the animals and even moving grass was amazing!

If you're ever in New York and would like to see a visually stunning production, I highly recommend it!



So cute!!

I'm also attending Perfume's concert this month~!

If you ever see me in line, or at the venue, please say hi~!!!

 And with that, I'm off to work~



Xhirachu said...

Your pajamas are so cute! I had no idea Forever 21 sold stuff like that! I hope you had a great time at Baby Metal's concert and I only ever talk about Arashi, but I'm actually a little jealous that you're going to see Perfume! They're pretty cool.

Kisweets said...

IT WAS FUN!!! I'm slow on updating (but when am I not) :'D
I have no idea what to expect from perfume....but I'm excited!