Apr 17, 2012

Track Scratch

Hi there!!

I'm currently in the middle of writing a paper for class this afternoon and I don't think I'll be making it to my morning classes haha.

The same twelve page paper that I mentioned in my last post.

This one will be short.

March 30th the third piece I've ever choreographed was performed!!

I'm a bit of a perfectionist so when I saw it on stage I was honestly a little disappointed with how it had turned out. But somehow I've recieved so much praise about it ><!!

It's called Track Scratch and I choreographed it to Pogo's Whisperlude. (hence the title)

There are many ideas that went into this piece. If you're interested I talk a little about how I came up with the idea in the description box on the video.

Teachers and students came up to me the following week telling me how much they enjoyed my piece. There were even people who hadn't seen it that approached me telling me all the good things they'd heard about it.
I still can't believe all of the attention I've been getting because of this piece.

It kind of makes me nervous ><

I'm honestly not used to being payed much attention to. So every time someone came up to me, I was happy with knots in my stomach.

One day my teacher brought up my piece in class and how interesting it was and that somehow opened up the discussion to other things people said they liked out me, from the way I choreograph to how I dance.

I was COMPLETELY overwhelmed >///< I had no idea!!

I didn't know what to say ;;

But none the less, I was happy that I wasn't completely invisible, haha.

Even though I love dancing, I don't have that much confidence in it.

I just do what I like  (*´ω`*)

And here are some pictures!!

A classmate took them. I didn't even know he was going to take pictures but they came out amazing!

From the pictures, you can better see the projection of the subway system in the background.

I linked the video to Pogo and he really like it!! ;;

He even Favorited it...

I want to make more pieces to his work! 

With all that's happened I can't wait until fall to start choreographing again!!

Ciao ♥


4everhime said...

I watched the video that dance was really nice.

Kisweets said...

thank you!!