Sep 9, 2014


Good morning!

Now that Cho Party posts are over I can post regularly on this blog~!

Recently I've joined a jpop/ kpop dance cover group called Kuropop! (黒ポップ)

Here's our page!→()

Soon we'll be posting mini-albums of promotional pictures for all of the members.

Here's a preview of the ones that picked I out of myself:

More to come!

I cannot edit photos at all so fellow Kuropop member Mochi was kind enough to edit them for me!

She also created our group logo based off of Natsuki's design. I love it!

Rehearsals have already started for our first event which should be announced soon~!

I've known most of the girls in this group before I joined and we've become good friends so I'm really excited to work with everyone more regularly and see them more often than I have been. It also seems like we'll be doing more K-pop than I'm used to but I'm prepared for the challenge!

Please support us~!

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