Good Morning~!
It seems to get colder everyday. More and more I'm hearing about people starting to get sick.

I'm on the train everyday and outside for multiple hours at a time so that's a little worrying...
I can't get sick! There's so much at stake this month~~!

On the plus side it's officially the season of everything pumpkin flavored! I had my first pumpkin spice latte at Whole Foods cafe yesterday morning just before my shift. I felt so posh.

Every year I look forward to Halloween themed candy.
Pumpkin shaped Reese's are back!
I've never seen these before! There are four designs in all so I'm going to try and find them all before Halloween.
Small goals.

In even bigger news, I'll officially be attending Morning Musume's concert next Sunday~!

Please tell me if you're going~!!
Also, thank you so much for all of you positive feedback on our newest dance cover, so far~!

If you're interested in shots from our location search at all, they're here (☆) I may add more....
Ok! That's all for now.
I'm off!
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