May 7, 2012

Ari&Ki: Dance Panel Panic!!!

Taking a break!!

Been learning this!!!

These dancing veggie children are beastly!!!

They're Kyary's dancers!!

The purple one (P-chan) is a boy!!

He's so cute!! chu♥(人´3`)⌒♡

The dance itself isn't that hard. But the accents are hard to hit.

I'll get it though!


Is anyone going to animeNEXT this year?

We are!!!

And we'll be running a performance panel :D

Ari&Ki: Dance Panel Panic!!!

We'll definitely be recording this one so look forward to it!!

Ciao ♥


4everhime said...

I want to learn that dance too. i wish i could go  :(

Kisweets said...

we'll be recording it since it'll be our first panel :) 

Xhirachu said...

They're really good at dancing, but I'm so scared right now. LOL
The boy reminds me of Ryo from the iDOLM@STER  . XD
When is AnimeNEXT? Looking forward to seeing your panel! ^^

Kisweets said...

LOL why are you scared?! animeNEXT is from June 8th to June 10th!! I'm so excited!!!  I can't wait for Ari and I to actually get together and start learning new things!! 

Xhirachu said...

Because it was a creepily scary video! Haha