May 23, 2012

Adjustment is important!


I'm a conductor!! 

Today is a pretty free day, so I'm going to visit some sites that I should be familiar with by June 14th.

June 14th is the first day of International Orientation Leader training!! 

International Orientation It's basically a program that allows International incoming students to become better acquainted with activities that happen on and around campus. A leader's job is to aid incoming students with the initial adjustment of move-in and to help them become excited about the school! 

I haven't been to many of the sites we're touring so I'll take the time to visit some of them today (the free ones)

To me, the most important thing for any new student more than good grades or joining clubs or fraternities and maternities is a healthy adjustment to the new school.

It took me until my junior year in college to finally adjust properly to being away from home!

I never really grasped that I eventually had to let go of my family to properly settle down in my new school.

I remember wanting to go home every weekend to get away from the stress of school.

I  felt isolated and disconnected from my peers and teachers. I had anxiety. All because I wouldn't let myself open up. It took until this semester in my psychology class for me to realize that I was going through what's called "adjustment anxiety".

It's an anxiety disorder that many college students go through when transitioning to their new college. This is mostly because for many of them it's their first time being stationed so far from home.

For some people it can last a week, a few weeks, a few months!

Imagine THREE YEARS I struggled with adjustment anxiety.

It all could have been avoided if I had  made the effort to trust somebody to help me remove myself from being so emotionally dependent on my family.

And I was only two hours away from home.

These are international students. They won't be going home for a while!!

I want to be able to help them move out of the nervousness and insecurity that comes with being in an unfamiliar place and help them open up to all of the wonderful experiences on our campus and tourist attractions.

And I can't do that without knowing them first!

So off I go! 

Ciao ♥

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