Yesterday was my mother's birthday~!
Happy Birthday Mom~!!
I planned on taking her to a restaurant in celebration, but it seems like she's made other plans.
That's okay...
Work ended early yesterday so I changed.

I bought these pants for ten dollars~!!!
I wonder how long they'll last....probably as long as ten dollars does.
This month we've been working on a Halloween cover to come out before the end of the month.
But we're now worried that because of my health that we won't be able to complete it on time.
Basically there's inflammation in my chest that makes it difficult to breathe let alone exercise or dance. It becomes painful if I try so I just have to keep my physical stressors low until it passes. He said it should go away on it's own in a few days without medication and that it could be after effects from when I was sick a few weeks ago.
I'm resting now.
I'm sorry everyone~!!
I'll try to get well as soon as possible.
Being still is so difficult...
We uploaded a new video on Sunday~!!
It was completely unplanned so....
I'm just as confused as you are....
Enjoy the shenanigans~!!
Happy belated birthday, Broski's mom!
I hope you get well soon, Broski! <3
Yay, I can reply to comments!! Thank you Xhu~!!!
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