It's been far too long!!
In my last post I asked if anyone had any specific questions about Cho Party. I got one so I'll address that first.
To the person who asked if since Tatsuki usually tries to stay in character all the time if and he and Puppipi ever took off their wigs. My answer is yes. They never wore them during rehearsal but they were just as sweet outside of costume as they were inside of costume. The only person who wore a costume at all times was Torasan. He always, always, wore his mask!!
Thank you for asking! If anyone else has any specific questions about anything please feel free to leave a comment!
Here's a new Cho Party update.
I realized that even though the last post was long I left some details out. Sorry!! I'll have to include them in the next post because this one will be quite long.
The 26th was the first day of Nico Nico Cho Party!!!
Almost everyone had to report to Makuhari Messe by 9am to tech the Opening Act.
Ari and I had been practicing at 3am the night before, after coming back from Mii's room, since the material had been so new to us. We were tired but also excited!
Tech on stage for the Opening Act was pretty exciting. I still wasn't able to get used to how bright and hot the stage lights were though....
Luckily it went much smoother than the day before and we were done within the hour.
After tech Mii, Mica, Ari and I headed to Choukaigi. 
The normal line to get into Choukaigi was extremely long. But luckily Mii found out that with our performer passes we were able to enter just about any side door!
The side door that we used led us straight to Funyassi!
Most people would have been absolutely ecstatic to meet Funyassi but this was the one performer I didn't want to run into! Funyassi is soooo scary!!!
It moves weird.
Even so, I took a picture.
As soon as we got into the convention center I was overwhelmed! There were so many booths, stages and events happening! And it was incredibly packed so just maneuvering through the crowd was difficult. I tried to take pictures of the venue but they all came out blurry.
Mica ended up going off on his own while Mii, Ari and I stuck together.
First we found the Choukaigi bus!
Our first stop was Morning Musumen's booth since I told them I'd try to stop by. (Meeting them is one of the stories I forgot to write about..)
The line for merchandise and signatures was extremely long so we just waved at them and moved on.
Next I found Magical Ban☆ Bang's booth! I wanted to go there to meet Shiita (☆) because I've been such a fan of hers for years! She wasn't there....But Norakura (☆) who I'm also a huge fan of was!!!
I was extremely nervous and ended up leaving in a rush without saying anything...
Next we found the Nico radio booth.
Followed by the Aru Aru City Booth!
Torasan (☆), Tadanon (☆), SLH and a few others were dj-ing and dancing along to vocaloid music. They had so much energy and it was a lot of fun to watch!
Somehow, my eyes were drawn to Tadanon the entire time. I don't think I've ever seen someone completely pour their soul out on stage to vocaloid music before. It was amazing!!
I think it was at this point that I became a huge fan of him.
Halfway through the show, Ari went off to find internet connection and check her e-mail in case we received an urgent message from Sato about Cho Party. (We actually had to do this every hour which was a little taxing but necessary)
And so Mii and I went on our own adventure!
We went to the odottemita booth!
They were having a choreography competition but in between numbers they would call random audience members to the stage. Being the only foreigner in the crowd I was spotted easily and called on stage! It was extremely nerve-racking and I couldn't form complete sentences. I ended up calling Mii to the stage to help me...
I managed to say my name and that I was performing in Cho Party before getting confused and finally being allowed off stage....
Next, we headed off to find food!
By the time we were done, we decided to head back to the hotel to rest before call at 5pm.
Waiting in the rehearsal room was exciting! Finally seeing everyone in costume, up close, buzzing around and taking pictures!!
There was a television monitor set up in the rehearsal room so that we could watch the live stream. It started as soon as the venue opened. It was both nerve racking and exciting to watch all of the seats fill up!
Finally about ten minutes before curtain, Abe-chan (☆) came in and gave a motivation speech.
It ended with the Cho Party chant!
Abe-chan: Love! Smile! Chaos! Se-no, (ready)
From then on it only got more exciting!!
First was the Opening Act. Waiting back stage, I kept bouncing on my toes, but Ti☆in! looked extremely nervous. One of them (Fine maybe?) had the idea to put our hands together and shout "We got it!" as a team chant! (I'll explain the origination of our chant in the next post)
I was really happy that they remembered the English phrase that we taught them!!
When the music for the Opening Act started I almost cried!!
Standing on stage in front of 6,000 people is interesting and not at all what I expected.... I was so focused on performing and dancing with everyone that I didn't really see much of the audience at all. It made it easier actually.
As we were exiting the stage the next group of performers were already lined up to enter. (for yaranaika I think?)
Shiita was there!!!
We immediately recognized each other and spazzed out but I had to go back to the rehearsal room and she had to go on stage...
After her performance we finally met!! We'd known of each other for so long...
For a while we kind of just held hands and grinned for a while. I remember her saying, "The world is pretty big huh?"

It's been far too long!!
In my last post I asked if anyone had any specific questions about Cho Party. I got one so I'll address that first.
To the person who asked if since Tatsuki usually tries to stay in character all the time if and he and Puppipi ever took off their wigs. My answer is yes. They never wore them during rehearsal but they were just as sweet outside of costume as they were inside of costume. The only person who wore a costume at all times was Torasan. He always, always, wore his mask!!
Thank you for asking! If anyone else has any specific questions about anything please feel free to leave a comment!
Here's a new Cho Party update.
I realized that even though the last post was long I left some details out. Sorry!! I'll have to include them in the next post because this one will be quite long.

The 26th was the first day of Nico Nico Cho Party!!!
Almost everyone had to report to Makuhari Messe by 9am to tech the Opening Act.
Ari and I had been practicing at 3am the night before, after coming back from Mii's room, since the material had been so new to us. We were tired but also excited!
Tech on stage for the Opening Act was pretty exciting. I still wasn't able to get used to how bright and hot the stage lights were though....
Luckily it went much smoother than the day before and we were done within the hour.

The normal line to get into Choukaigi was extremely long. But luckily Mii found out that with our performer passes we were able to enter just about any side door!
The side door that we used led us straight to Funyassi!
Most people would have been absolutely ecstatic to meet Funyassi but this was the one performer I didn't want to run into! Funyassi is soooo scary!!!
It moves weird.

Even so, I took a picture.
As soon as we got into the convention center I was overwhelmed! There were so many booths, stages and events happening! And it was incredibly packed so just maneuvering through the crowd was difficult. I tried to take pictures of the venue but they all came out blurry.

Mica ended up going off on his own while Mii, Ari and I stuck together.
First we found the Choukaigi bus!
We even wrote our names!
Our first stop was Morning Musumen's booth since I told them I'd try to stop by. (Meeting them is one of the stories I forgot to write about..)
The line for merchandise and signatures was extremely long so we just waved at them and moved on.
Next I found Magical Ban☆ Bang's booth! I wanted to go there to meet Shiita (☆) because I've been such a fan of hers for years! She wasn't there....But Norakura (☆) who I'm also a huge fan of was!!!
I was extremely nervous and ended up leaving in a rush without saying anything...
Next we found the Nico radio booth.
We waved at Ryoran! (☆)
Followed by the Aru Aru City Booth!
Torasan (☆), Tadanon (☆), SLH and a few others were dj-ing and dancing along to vocaloid music. They had so much energy and it was a lot of fun to watch!
Somehow, my eyes were drawn to Tadanon the entire time. I don't think I've ever seen someone completely pour their soul out on stage to vocaloid music before. It was amazing!!

I think it was at this point that I became a huge fan of him.

Halfway through the show, Ari went off to find internet connection and check her e-mail in case we received an urgent message from Sato about Cho Party. (We actually had to do this every hour which was a little taxing but necessary)
And so Mii and I went on our own adventure!
We went to the odottemita booth!
They were having a choreography competition but in between numbers they would call random audience members to the stage. Being the only foreigner in the crowd I was spotted easily and called on stage! It was extremely nerve-racking and I couldn't form complete sentences. I ended up calling Mii to the stage to help me...

I managed to say my name and that I was performing in Cho Party before getting confused and finally being allowed off stage....
Next, we headed off to find food!
I think this was called Nico Beef!! (beef, cheese and seaweed over rice!)
By the time we were done, we decided to head back to the hotel to rest before call at 5pm.
Waiting in the rehearsal room was exciting! Finally seeing everyone in costume, up close, buzzing around and taking pictures!!
There was a television monitor set up in the rehearsal room so that we could watch the live stream. It started as soon as the venue opened. It was both nerve racking and exciting to watch all of the seats fill up!
Finally about ten minutes before curtain, Abe-chan (☆) came in and gave a motivation speech.
It ended with the Cho Party chant!
Abe-chan: Love! Smile! Chaos! Se-no, (ready)

From then on it only got more exciting!!

First was the Opening Act. Waiting back stage, I kept bouncing on my toes, but Ti☆in! looked extremely nervous. One of them (Fine maybe?) had the idea to put our hands together and shout "We got it!" as a team chant! (I'll explain the origination of our chant in the next post)
I was really happy that they remembered the English phrase that we taught them!!
When the music for the Opening Act started I almost cried!!

Standing on stage in front of 6,000 people is interesting and not at all what I expected.... I was so focused on performing and dancing with everyone that I didn't really see much of the audience at all. It made it easier actually.
As we were exiting the stage the next group of performers were already lined up to enter. (for yaranaika I think?)
Shiita was there!!!

We immediately recognized each other and spazzed out but I had to go back to the rehearsal room and she had to go on stage...

After her performance we finally met!! We'd known of each other for so long...
For a while we kind of just held hands and grinned for a while. I remember her saying, "The world is pretty big huh?"
To the left of us Ushi Dorobo are about to go on stage!
From then on it was a lot of waiting, walking around awkwardly, practicing, watching the stream, trying to speak in Japanese (failing...) We were also allowed to watch the performance form the venue near the back entrance (where the audience wasn't allowed to enter or exit) behind a barricade.
Often times the way we were able to introduce ourselves to other performers was by offering them American candy we brought or by asking for a picture. (We were able to meet Ushi Dorobo this way)
We never got a picture with Ushi Dorobo, but I can tell you that they're a pretty excited group! Nina in particular laughs very loudly and runs around the room. I enjoyed them!
Miume (☆) said she likes my fashion sense!!!

I don't know why but when we first met them, Sacchaso (☆) just ran up to us, posed and said, "I am Japanese!" Then she made a triangle over her head and said "Mt. Fuji!!" all in English.

At another point during the show. Tadanon happened to be sitting at the same table as us so I told him that I saw his performance of "yaranaika" from the audience and it was hilarious. He just kept laughing and looked extremely embarrassed for some reason, which I thought was adorable.

I made sure to watch Ushi Dorobo's performance from the audience. This was great because, 1. they were absolutely amazing! and 2. little Ririri was dancing along with them from behind the barricade!! It was so cute!! She got a little wild and the staff had to make sure she didn't accidentally go past the barricade.
After their performance I went backstage to tell them that I loved their performance!
Azuma (☆) burst into tears. I didn't know what to do.

It was getting close to the end of the show and Ti☆in! was no where to be seen so Ari and I practiced in front of the mirror by ourselves. Ushi Dorobo was to the right of us and they started getting noisy again. We soon realized that they were watching us. They kept saying things like, "kakkoi!!!" and "so cool" They were extremely animated about their enthusiasm so we started laughing which made them say "they're laughing!" which made us laugh harder. It was hysterical.

Ti☆in! came back in the middle of us practicing so we rehearsed it once more together before it was time together.
This next part, Ti☆in! talked about in their live stream so I don't feel bad about sharing!!
A little before we were supposed to go on stage we got news from staff, that the show was going on for too long so our performance was no longer the encore, just the last dance number.
This was stressful because initially our cue to go to out places was the audience shouting "Encore! Encore!"
And by the time we got backstage the staff still hadn't given us a new cue...
The confusion didn't stop Sato from being a dad and taking more pictures. When I asked him why he took so many he said that it was because these are things we'll want to look back on. So sweet!!

Suddenly, Ryouran came out of stage and called all of the performers on stage....which had not been rehearsed. This was a problem because there were now performers standing were we were supposed to be dancing for the second verse.
But I could feel that the four of us wanted to have a good performance no matter what so we some how made it work!

This last one is from Abe-chan's blog before everything was taken down for some reason..(?)
In the end we performed without incident. It was so much fun!! We were so in sync! The entire time I just thought, "It's happening! No way! All of our hard work has led up to this point...."

After our number there was one more song and then Cho Party Day 1 was over.
Papa (Sato lol) caught us walking off stage!
I think I was actually saying "Papa!" here....(lol)
Then it was time for pictures!!
Tumblr Blurb...
Pupuppi is precious!! Their (manager?) made sure we got a picture with them after we asked on the first day of rehearsal.
You can’t see it from here but they had some AMAZING eye make-up happening!!
Tatsuki is so sweet! He doesn't shy from you and I always felt comfortable talking to him.♡
P.S. You can see Fine in the mirror.
With Guilty Hearts, Mica and Fine and Tsurutei!!!
Tumblr blurb.....
They enthusiastically congratulated us after Tell Your World!
Miume said “センスがいい” Which translates to good fashion sense. I almost cried…
They’re all really nice! We spent some time talking during tech rehearsal and after the show tonight.
I can’t wait to see them again!! Merochin is SO. FUNNY. Right before we took this picture he looked at us and sung “Do you want to take a picture?” to the melody of “Do you want to build a snowman?”
P.S They’re outfits look amazing up close!! They let me have a closer look at them. I love the jackets!!!
One of the highlights of the evening was probably turning around after Cho Party ended and seeing Miume and Ry☆ directly behind me! They said we danced well. Gah!!

There was a bit of an after party after the show. We had a toast. Kanpai!!
At first everyone thought it was hilarious that Ari and I grabbed alcoholic beverages. We later found out it was because they thought we were underage....

We're 22 by the way, and we were STILL one of the youngest performers there!!
At the after part we also ended up talking to Muratomi (☆) (He told us to call him Tommy) and Dragon (☆) from R.A.B. We got along really well.
They said our style was "clean"
Unfortunately they weren't around the next day..I wanted to talk to them more!
It was around twelve by the time we all headed back to the hotel with Ti☆in! to call it a night.
I'm pretty sure Ari and I fell asleep within the hour.
And that was Cho Party Day 1!!!
Thank you for reading! The next post is coming sooner than you think!! (and not in over a month(´-`).。oO)
Ciao ♥
1 comment:
Goodness, it's so good to hear that you guys had such an amazing time! I look forward to reading more of your Japan adventures! :D
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