Mar 9, 2012


Spring break is almost over!

I hadn't visited my aunt all week, so I visited her today! 

My Aunt Bunny is hilarious, I love her so much!! And I definitely wouldn't be in college if it weren't for her.

I got to her office at around 9:30 but she didn't get there until and hour later. And then she had a staff meeting from 11:00 till 2:00. I was so bored(´ω`。)

So I drew on post-it notes

Don't ask me what this is........

I learned in my psychology class that psychologists evaluate you based on behavior. During a standard evaluation, they will ask you to draw because it's behavior that can be recorded. Usually, it's something specific, like a house or a tree, but sometimes you can draw whatever. From your drawing they can piece together your personality, even parts of it that you we're aware of.

I wonder what this post-it reveals about my personality.......

Probably that I can't draw........

My aunt treated me to lunch today! I thought we were going to get sushi but we went to Applebees' instead.

Which was TOTALLY fine with me!

I call this OM-FUCKING-NOM

I was soooo full after I ate all of this. 

So full, I slept for two hours in my aunt's office afterwards.


Later that evening I took a salsa class for the first time!

Note to self: Levi boots are NOT made for dancing...Ow(ノД`)・゜・。

And the funny thing is I didn't even feel then rubbing against my ankles until I got in the shower..

I learned the basic step, side step, and the Cuban OωOb

Class took place in the cafeteria of a public school, but look:

This work was done my a local community, street artist named De La Vega. He's known for his chalk drawings on sidewalks and walls and he has/had (not sure) a little shop in Harlem. I remember seeing more of them when I was younger but I haven't seen any in years....

This one is from 2008

And tonight after three months I'm getting my hair re-braided!

I'm not sure if I'll add the blue again of if I'll try a different color..

I'll take pictures tomorrow!

Ciao ♥


Xhirachu said...

It looks like your post it note is holding a knife... Maybe it means you're violent! Lol.
Your Applebee's looks so good! Now I'm hungry... OωO

Kisweets said...

LOL a knife, I didn't see that until now xD!!