Mar 29, 2015

Brooklyn 2 Tokyo ☆ April Events!

Yahho ☆

KuroPOP! has closed this month with another successful performance

Some pictures from last night's Brooklyn 2 Tokyo event 

*Jaws Music*



Since this month is coming to a close, here are the next few events I'll be performing in! 

(4/11) Sakura Matsuri in DC with KuroPOP!

We'll be performing on the J-pop stage from 2:30-3:00pm!

(4/16-18) Tekkoshocon with CosStarDance and Abracadabra!!

We'll be performing on the Main Stage from 3:30-4:00pm!

Let me know if you'll be attending either of these!!!

That's all for now 

Mar 28, 2015

Imperfect ☆

Yahho ☆

Wednesday I performed with KuroPOP! at a fashion show for the new release of clothing line Unperfectly Toxic Clothing

The turnout was pretty small but that made for a more relaxed atmosphere and I had a lot of fun with everyone

A few unedited pictures...

With Yuki ☆

Action shot ☆ (Yuki, Natsuki, Rae)

On the train with Fuyu ☆

As I've said before, we're also performing today at Brooklyn 2 Tokyo again.

It's a 21+ event (most likely because it takes place at a bar) but please come if you can!

That's all for now!

Mar 23, 2015

This week ☆

Yahho ☆

There are many exciting things happening this week!

KuroPOP! is performing twice.

3/25 (wed) "A Night with Unperfect Fashion ()

3/28 (sat) Brooklyn 2 Tokyo ()

Wednesday's event will be taking place at the same venue as January's Brooklyn 2 Tokyo.

Friday's Brooklyn 2 Tokyo is happening at a bigger venue than last time so I'm excited!!!

If you're in the New York area, please come! I can't guarantee that any of these events will be filmed but we'll see.

In terms of things that have happened recently...

We've filmed a video on Saturday!!!!

This time it's a collaboration video with Sneko

I wonder if this one will come out okay.....Ari and I didn't have much time to practice beforehand so it might look sloppier than usual. Plus the day before it snowed so the location we had originally planned on using for filming was extremely slushy. We ended up filming inside. In light of everything we may have to redo it....we'll see in a few days!

But we had a lot of fun! Sneko's a sweetheart!

Speaking of the weather, we had a snowstorm over the weekend, on the first day of Spring no less!!! This winter has been pretty brutal on my body so I made time to drop by LUSH and pick up a few spa items.

The usual; a new cleanser to remedy how weathered my skin has been feeling, lotion, my favorite facial mask, Love Lettuce...but this time I also bought a bath bomb!

This one is called Big Blue. It's filled will seaweed and sea salt. It smells AMAZING and it turns your bath water blue.

It had been a while since I soaked in the bath so afterwards I felt completely revitalized!

I just might order a few more of these online....

These are the projects that are coming up just this month and there will be many to come in April!

Look forward to them!

That's all for now.

Mar 8, 2015

Con Con ☆ Way Way Way


I just got back from Nipponcon last  night.

It's a small convention that takes place at Daniel's College in Maryland.

It was my second performance with KuroPOP! 

Because of scheduling differences, we had no choice but to pull an hour setlist together in about two weeks. There were all kinds of difficulties with transportation and in general just figuring out how to work as a team, but in the end I think we were able to pull together a good show~

I forgot how fun performing live can be! So many emotions come out of you~ 

We danced to a mix of J-pop and K-pop, and I even sung a solo~

My voice was very small...

Travelling takes a lot of energy out of me so I only thought to take a few pictures immediately after our stage. I was pretty tired, so none of them came out right....

ok...let's try a smile

no....a wink?

not quite.


I'll work on it! 

Since I've started travelling to more conventions this year I've learned so much! I've recently realized that some people have been able to budget the cost of a convention (including travel, hotel, cosplay, food and any other additional pop-up expenses) organize themselves and possibly other people for hotels in order to save money, organize photo shoots, promote themselves as cosplayers, or artists...and so much more since they were still teenagers, and I'm only figuring things like this out now. 

At Katsucon especially it was really interesting to hear cosplayers talk about the amount of craftsmanship, money and time that went into a single outfit they'd only be wearing for a few days and may need repairs after a few hours.

That is REAL dedication~

Is this the power of fandom? 

I've also noticed that it's a lot more fun to travel to a convention with friends. At Nipponcon the main stress was figuring out how to get to and from the venue on time so I had no room to get bored, but at Katsucon, it definitely got lonely sometimes. 

Ari wasn't with me, so I had to figure out ways to entertain myself before the convention got started and while my friends had other panels or obligations.

That was definitely the hardest part!

But because I was alone a lot, I had to make new friends, which was exciting!

I also finally met Sachie~ 

She's technically my "kouhai" but I've been a fan of her for years~

My hands were shaking~

I know you can't truly know a person when you first meet them, but Sachie had her own quirkiness that I found endearing and it made me like her even more!!! 

I also, really hope she releases her pictures of Jupiter as prints. I want one ;;

This post has gotten all over the place so I think that's enough for now...


I have several more events coming up with KuroPOP!

The first one I can officially announce is occurring at the end of the month. We'll be appearing at Brooklyn 2 Tokyo again the 28th~ ()

If you're in the NYC area, please come~ 
