Apr 10, 2014

I'm back!!

Hello all!!

I've decided to return to blogspot after almost two years on tumblr!

Blogging on tumblr is fun, but after a while I started asking myself, "Is this post too long?" "Am I spamming my followers?" "I wonder how many likes this post will get..."

I felt like I couldn't write freely anymore and that I was only interested in having a cute blog with cute pictures and kaomoji and that's not what blogging is about to me! 

So I'm back to blogging here where I feel like I can write as much as I want, about whatever I want!

I'll keep my personal tumblr for pictures and videos but that's about it.

I'll also share all of my blogspot posts on my tumblr and twitter. 

I hope you'll all continue to follow my activities here!

Ciao ♥