This weekend we went to the
Korean Music Festival!!!
Ari pulled through you guys!! ;w;
We started planning out everything from how we were getting there to what we were eating to what time to get up about two weeks ahead.
We woke up at about 7:30 to be out of the house by 9:00
This wasn't easy because Keiko kept Ari and me up all night with his crying
Stupid cat....
We arrived at Over Peck Park NJ at about 9:30
So many people up this early in the morning><!!
All in hopes that we would get a good seat!!!
Well, what we didn't know was that more than half of the seats were reserved for VIP tickets...
And to get a ticket you had to "know somebody"
In other words you had to know somebody who was performing or know a sponsor or special guest to get good seats.
Public seating started pretty far back
Regardless we figured that as long as we held the seats we had we'd still get a pretty good view of the stage from where we were. So we took turns holding our seats and walking around ...
We didn't buy anything but there was A LOT of food. I couldn't read any of the signs though..
Allkpop had a tent too which was fun. They had dance covers and
kpop prizes. None of which I actually got to participate in because I don't know much kpop trivia or their dances.
It really was an exceptionally warm day for October!! They call it an Indian Summer. It went up to 80 degrees!!
At about 1:00pm and announcement was made in Korean.
They were evacuating the seating area and re-seating people to check tickets...
But they made the announcement ...IN KOREAN
So we didn't know what people were lining up for until the line was halfway across the field.
We ended up in the back ;w;
And couldn't see the stage ;w;
Regardless it was a beautiful day :)
We were outside ALL DAY. Didn't buy anything because of lack of money, but we brought sandwiches and snacks and had a picnic.
The crew! lol
No money and all we had a pretty good time!
I watched some of the Kpop groups warm up!!! Shinee! B2ST! DBSK !
I didn't take pictures only because everyone was pushed up against the 3 foot barrier fence between the free seating and the VIP seating and I didn't want my camera to get broken if I dropped it ><!!
And it was a good thing I DIDN'T bring it.
As soon as B2ST came on the fans went nuts and PUSHED the fence down, trampling on it and almost knocked me over!!! I was in the front ;A;
I felt myself going down and remember thinking "I'm definitely going to break something" But I turned around and literally PUSHED people back yelling at them as I did so!
They could have really hurt someone D:<
Some of them looked scared when I did that but I was MAD.
In the end about three cops and some staff members were able to push everyone back behind the fence and keep them there for the duration of the event.
We felt like prisoners being kept from our idols ;w;
The seating arrangement just didn't seem fair. Who ever heard or VIP taking up more than half of the seats?!
It's like it wasn't meant for the public to be there at all.
AND there were some people who had actually bought tickets from people to get it at 50-200 dollars a piece!
Money WASTED when there was no guarantee for good seating in the first place.
So this is where we sat.
The stage was big enough so that we could see everything from the screens and it we cranked our necks we could see them on stage a bit.
The screens kind of ruined the effect of actually being at a live. But I was excited the whole time regardless!
The stage opened at about 6:30 but no one came on stage until almost 7:30.
There were many great performers even outside of Kpop! There were some traditional korean singers, and a few classical singers as well.
But I was surprised to see
Isooni there!!!
I love her ;w;
She was amazing!!!! And she sung
A goose's dream which I LOVE ♥ (some people may know this song from Dream High)
♥♥♥ She was SO beautiful live♥♥♥ I can honestly say that she was one of the best performers that night.
B2ST and
2pm were pretty good live!! 4minute and
SISTAR were there as well, but I don't really care for their well as some soloist named
G.NA (?)
Though for some reason
Yuhno didn't sing much live =/ Maybe he wasn't feeling well?
I never thought I'd say this but
Changmin really outperformed
He was so beautiful!
Look!! LOOK!
Changmin ♥ My new favorite. That jacket!!
I melted ♥
I felt bad for
Shinee only because they had some straight in from Japan and were exhausted. ;A; I heard they couldn't even shower properly! I hope that's not true><!!!
Minho!!!! And....I don't remember who that^^
The show finally ended at about 11:00 but we weren't able to catch a bus back to New York until about 12:30.
But it wasn't bad, because if being outside all day raving about
Kpop, and seeing a concert with
Kpop stars in it was great enough we played
Kpop and danced to it while we were waiting for the bus.
Then somehow PONPONPON got in the conversation.
We managed to get home at about 2:30AM, Monday morning!!!
We ended up staying outside for over 12 hours. I don't think I've ever been outside in the sun for that long in my life!
But it was worth it! And now I PUMPED to see my stars again for
End of the road... nothing to do... and no hope of things getting better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house. - Eeyore